Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Alliteration in songs

1. Cyphris hill.

Dum de dum... dust my dangling dumplings with a dishrag you dysfunctional derelicts.

2. Sour Deisel

muddy muppets mysteriously mashed microscopic medulas measured miraculously mini.

Monday, November 14, 2011

November 8,2011

1. Terrific toney trots thin ice.
2. English earmufs even when its warm.
3. Black bears and brown bugs boxing in the sun.
4. slippery snake sam snacks.
5. alvan ate apples after all.
6. Send toast to ten tense stout saints' ten tall tents

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Poetry Oct. 13

1. Poetry is a creative form of writing that expresses an artists thoughts.
2. Every one should agree with me.
3. No poetry doesn't have to Rhyme.
4. Poetry can be whatever you make it. it's your own artistic writing form.
5. Poetry can make people sad, happy, or even mad depends on the writers thoughts.

Poetry Assignement

Several types of poetry exist. It has been around for centuries. As a way to explore your background knowledge, please complete the following task.

Please answer the following questions by posting a NEW POST on your blog. Make sure it is labeled based on the assignment. As with all writing assignments, please answer each question using a complete sentences. (Hint: It might be easier if you restate the question.)

1.What is poetry?

2. Who is likely to agree and disagree with you?

3. Does poetry have to rhyme?

4. Does poetry have to make sense? Can it be random words on a page? Explain.

5. What type of feelings does or can poetry evoke (cause)?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Vincent van gogh

Van Gogh was born in 1853 in Holland. Van Gogh worked various jobs before becoming a theology student in Amsterdam. But because of both professional and personal failures Van Gogh decided to "comfort the humble" and he went to live and work in a mining community. While working and living in the mining community Van Gogh found himself drawn more and more to art. So in 1880 Vincent moved to Brussels and then to Antwerp to study painting. Van Gogh didn't start his career in art until he was 27. He soon began to follow the influence of impressionism and began his own style. Throughout Van Gogh's life he battled with insanity, which could explain the painting of himself with his ear bandaged. It is thought that Van Gogh might have ate his lead paint which could have possible caused his insanity.
Vincent Van Gogh was one of the most influential contributors to the post-impressionist movement even though his paintings were not respected or accepted in his own time. Post-impressionism refers not to a collective style but to a time period, which falls between 1880 and 1910. Such a term as post-impressionism indicates the increasingly fragmented artistic scene that would come to characterize modern art of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. During Van Gogh's final years he began to paint in a very expressionistic manner because of his heightened emotional state at the insane asylum.